The ‘About’ page on a website can be the hardest to write. How do any of us capture the essence of who we are without sounding inauthentic or superfluous? What is crucial to share? Better yet, who are you, and what is most important for me to convey to you?
Clinical Offerings
Depth-oriented therapy for therapists seeking support for complex trauma, compulsive concerns, and work-related stress
Professional services, including website copy, guest posts, press releases, and cornerstone content for mental health organizations
Available for speaking on podcasts, seminars, trainings, and other formal speaking events within the mental health industry

Of all the professional roles I embody, being a therapist is the closest to my heart.
It is my greatest joy and privilege. I won’t attempt to put the gratitude I have for my past and current clients into words. It transcends language, but the closest word is love. I love what I do, and I love the people I do it with.
In my practice, I specialize in treating other therapists and healthcare professionals. My clients often come to me ready for depth, ready for relational work, and ready for true and steady unconditional positive regard. This is the essence of what I strive to provide. Slow, steady safety. Every time. Every session.
As people, we integrate. We adapt. We grieve. We feel. We evolve. And in therapy, we are witnessed and deeply cared for as we move through each of these experiences.

I have been seeing clients for 12 years. Throughout this time, I’ve been privileged to work in many settings, including schools, hospitals, community mental health, and inpatient treatment. I love learning and could go on about my accolades and certifications, but that’s not really what therapy is about. Therapy is about you.
As a therapist, my overarching goal is to provide each client with a secure relationship where they can truly be themselves. And if you are a client who doesn’t know how to be yourself, my goal is to help you find yourself. With curiosity, compassion, and care. Every time. Every session.
In addition to being a therapist, I am also a writer and author. I published my first book, Sometimes Therapy Is Awkward, in 2020. Today, it has sold over 100,000 copies and is used in practicum and training sites worldwide. My second book, For the Love of Therapy was recently released in October, 2024. I have also written extensively about mental health and am a contributor to numerous companies and publications.

Media Bio
Nicole Arzt is a psychotherapist and author of Sometimes Therapy Is Awkward and For the Love of Therapy. In her private practice, Nicole specializes in working with other therapists experiencing issues related to complex trauma, substance use, career anxiety, and imposter syndrome. Nicole owns Soul of Therapy LLC, a media business for mental health professionals. She is the founder of Psychotherapy Memes, a meme community with over 170,000 followers around the world.